
Full Address

157 Central Street
Rowley, MA 01969


(978) 948-2124
(978) 948-2110 (Fax)


Business Hours

Saturday December 21   8:30am - 5pm
Sunday December 22     10am - 3pm
Monday December 23    8:30 am - 5pm  

Tuesday December 24   8:30am - noon

Closed December 25-February 2.

If you need pond assistance while we are closed, please email or call us and somebody will get back to you - this includes questions as well as Aeration or De-Icer purchases.

Directions to Country Gardens

From the South

Route 95 north to Exit 78. Take Route 133 east to the junction of Route1. Turn left at Route 1 heading north. Continue 2 miles to second set of lights. Take right onto Central Street. We are 1.5 miles on the left.

From the North

Route 95 south to Exit 78. Follow direction above, or take Route 1 south. Approximately 7 miles south of the Newburyport rotary, turn left at the set of lights. We are 1.5 miles on the left.

From the West

Route 128 to Route 95 north. Follow the directions from the south above.